Small, medium and large diameter ID Locking pipe end bevelling machines, designed to suit the arduous conditions of todays job sites covering all pipes sizes and any material from ½" to 24".
All of the machines in the range are torque reactive, enabling the operator to work on pipe without needing to secure it in a vice, this feature makes this range of machines ideal for on-site or workshop environments.
Range: ½” to 1½” (23mm - 42mm i/d)
Range: 1" - 3" (28mm - 76mm i/d)
Range: 1" - 4" (23mm - 112mm i/d)
Range: 2" - 8" (50mm - 207mm i/d)
Range: 3" to 16" (72mm - 385mm i/d)
Range: 4" to 20" (100mm - 500mm i/d)
Range: 7" to 24" (180mm - 600mm i/d)
SPBM (Stationary Pipe Bevelling Machine)
Range: 2" - 80" (50mm - 2,034mm)
2" - 24" (50mm - 610mm)
½″ - 4″ (8mm - 104mm)
TAG manufacture a diverse range of pipe cold Cutting and Bevelling Machines. From Orbital Saws for the workshop, reciprocating saws for on-site work, and our most popular TAG Split Frame Clamshell Pipe Cutting and Bevelling Machines.
TAG E-Z Fab Pipe Cutting and Bevelling Machine
Range: 1" - 24" (20mm - 630mm)
TAG Aluminium Light Weight Split Frame Clamshell
Range: 25mm - 1372mm
TAG Pipecut Orbital Pipe Saw (OPS) R Series
Range: ¼
TAG Pipecut Orbital Pipe Saw (OPS)
Range: 1
TAG E-Z Pipe Saw
Range: 1
TAG E-Z Pipecut Manual Flame Cutter
Range: 4" upwards
TAG E-Z Pipecut Auto Flame Cutter
Range: 4" upwards
TAG E-Z Pipecut Magnetic Flame Cutter
Range: 4" upwards
TAG E-Z Pipecut Hole Cutter
Range: 3" - 24" (80mm - 600mm)
TAG E-Z Pipecut Short Saddle Machine
Range: 2" - 36"
TAG E-Z Pipecut NC Pipe Cutting Machine

TAG E-Z Cut Straight Line Portable Oxy-fuel Cutting Machine

TAG E-Z Cut Heavy Duty Straight Line Portable Oxy-fuel Cutting Machine

TAG E-Z Curve Series

TAG E-Z Cut 3D

We understand the need for the quickest solution to any pipework welding situation and have designed all our equipment to suit the arduous environments faced by the pipe fitter and welder.
TAG E-Z Red Pipe Clamps
Range: 1" - 12" o/d
TAG E-Z Gold Pipe Clamps
Range: 1 - 14" o/d
TAG E-Z Fit Single Chain Pipe Clamp
Range: 1" - 72"
TAG E-Z Fit Double Chain Pipe Clamps
Range: 10" - 240"
TAG E-Z Fit Spider Internal Clamps
Range: 10mm - 940mm
TAG Cage Clamps
Range: 4" - 80"
TAG Rim Clamps
Range: 12" - 60"
The home of the Tri Stand, the Duo and Quattro pipe jack stands, we understand the need for the most cost effective and time saving solution to any pipework welding situation and have designed all our equipment to suit the arduous environments faced by the pipe fitter or welder.
TAG Tri Stands
Three-leg, height adjustable pipe stands for all pipework applications
TAG Duo Pipe Stand
Heavy duty four leg height adjustable, pin lock pipe stands
TAG Quattro Pipe Stand
Heavy duty pipe stands for large diameter and heavy wall pipe
TAG Uno Pipe Stand
Specialist pipe stands for low level and tight access
TAG Tri Chain Vice Stand
A simple but effective solution to small bore pipe handling
TAG Mega Pipe Stands
Heavy duty stand that can withstand the toughest pipe fabrication abuse
TAG High Pipe Stand
Easy and safe for high pipe working applications
TAG Pipe Cart
The easy way to move and store pieces or bundles of pipe
TAG Pipe Buggy
The safe and easy way to move pipe around the job site
TAG Pipe Dolly

TAG Pipe Cradles and Slings
Range: 2 - 24"
TAG Roller Stands (Light Duty)
Light duty low level roller stands for pipe feeding
TAG Roller Stands (Heavy Duty)
Floor or Bench mountable pipe trestles
TAG Quick Change Rollers
Rapid, self entering pipe trestles
TAG Pipe Rack Rollers
Heavy duty beam clamp rigging rollers
Pipe Launchers
Heavy Duty Pipe Launchers
TAG 1 Ton Pipe Rotator
Speed adjustable, pedal operated, floor/bench rotator
We manufacture a comprehensive range of weld purge monitoring systems to accurately measure the level of Oxygen within the weld chamber for high quality purity welding.
Why Purge? Introduction

TAG Purge Bag System
Range: 2" - 24" (50mm - 610mm)
TAG Rapid Purge System
Range: 8" - 80" (190mm - 2044mm)
TAG Heat Resistant Purging Systems
Range: 3" - 80" (63mm - 2044mm)
TAG Double Seal Systems
Range: ¾" - 12" (16mm - 320mm)
TAG Gas Cylinders
Range: 8" - 40" (200 - 1000mm)
TAG Handy Purge 100 SC (Self Calibrating) Weld Purge Monitor
Measures oxygen levels down to 0.0001% (100ppm)
TAG Handy Purge Pro 5 Weld Purge Monitor
Measures oxygen levels down to 0.00005% (5ppm)
TAG Pro Purge 1 Weld Purge Monitor
Measures oxygen levels down to 0.000005% (0.5ppm)
TAG Trailing Shields
Supplimentary gas shielding for exotic and reactive metals (Aluminium / Stainless Steel)
Pipe stoppers, or drain plugs as they are sometimes known, are used to temporarily seal the end of a pipe or opening for many different testing applications.
Pipe stoppers are mainly used to seal off from water, gases and foreign objects in newly laid pipes, or pipework systems that are under repair.
TAG Nylon Pipe Stoppers
Range: 18mm - 150mm
TAG Aluminium Pipe Stoppers
Range: 40mm - 600mm
TAG Steel Pipe Stoppers
Range: 40mm - 600mm
TAG Inflatable Pipe Stoppers
Range: 2" - 80" (50mm - 2035mm)
TAG Rotary Earth Clamp

TAG Wrap-A-Round Pipe Wraps

TAG Flange Pins

TAG Magnetic Universal Level

TAG Centering Head

TAG Contour Marker

TAG Radius Marker

TAG Flange Square

TIG welding is most commonly used to weld thin sections of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals such as aluminium, magnesium and copper alloys. The process grants the operator greater control over the weld than competing processes such as shielded metal arc welding and gas metal arc welding, allowing for stronger, higher quality welds.
TAG Handy Point Plus Tungsten Grinder

TAG Pro Point Plus Tungsten Grinder

The TAG PLATE BEVEL PRO machines are designed to produce very little mess with minimal vibration, making them the fastest, most health & safety friendly solution to any workshop or on-site plate bevelling requirement.
Plate Thickness: 1.5mm upwards
Plate Thickness: 6mm - 60mm
Plate Thickness: 6mm - 60mm
TAG Plate Bevel Pro 18
Plate Thickness: 6mm - 40mm
TAG Plate Bevel Pro 28
Plate Thickness: 8mm - 50mm
TAG Plate Bevel Pro HS45
Plate Thickness: 8mm - 60mm
TAG Plate Bevel Pro HS50
Plate Thickness: 8mm - 70mm